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At the physical level, disease and aging of the body is all about rotting and rusting. The rot is an underlying biological mechanism inherent in all earthly species and the rust is an oxidative process.

Higher numbers means a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. Lower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions.

Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our body's biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body. The higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore, electricity travels slower with higher pH. All biochemical reactions and electrical (life) energy are under pH control.
Here is an example of how pH can control. Look around you at society in general. Do you see people getting exhausted, burned out, and quick to anger? Do you see a rise in violence? In part it could be due to the fact that people today lean to an acid pH. We guzzle coffee for breakfast (acid), burgers for lunch (acid), wash it down with king size colas (acid), and have a pizza (acid) for dinner. This does lead us to the second part of the pH and digestive metabolic equation - pH is under the direct control of what we put into our mouths.
What we eat and drink will impact where our body's pH level falls, and our body's pH will control the activity of every metabolic function happening in our body. pH is behind the body's electrical system and intracellular activity as well as the way our bodies utilize enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. Our body's pH level is a direct result of what we eat and drink. What we eat and drink is directly tied to the functioning of our digestive system. From our mouth through our small intestines and through our colon, that system plays the most important part in our physical well being. This system, what we feed it, and how it impacts our pH, is the essential core that determines whether we have perfect health or not. It is really so simple.

In looking at live blood, you can clearly "see" that there are bacteria,
micro-organisms and parasites that not only are in the blood, but that over time can grow and can change their shapes.
Looking at live blood under a microscope is an incredible learning tool and begins an incredible journey whereby we come to understand that there is living, creepy crawly organisms that live in the environment of our blood. These are the micro-organisms and parasites that truly constitute "the fungus among us."

Using this kind of microscope technology, German bacteriologist Guenther Enderlein discovered tiny micro-organisms which he called protits (the immune system). These tiny micro-organisms flourished in the blood cells, in the plasma body fluids, and in the tissues, living in harmony with the body in a symbiotic or mutually beneficial relationship. He considered the protit as one of the body's smallest, organized, biological units. The most interesting thing about this micro-organism is its ability to change and adapt to its environment. It was observed that when there was severe change or deterioration in the body's internal environment (mostly noted by changes in pH), these micro-organisms would pass through several different stages of cyclic development, advancing from harmless agents to disease producing (pathological) bacteria or fungi. From his research he was able to produce natural biological answers to many of the degenerative disease processes plaguing western civilization today.
blood is under pH control. Ideally it has a pH in a narrow range around 7.3, which is slightly alkaline. pH around 7.3 is the perfect environment in which the protit lives in harmony with the body. When blood pH is disturbed and is shifted out of that narrow range, these tiny micro-organisms can no longer live. In order to survive, they will change to a form, which can survive. It is these new forms that can become aggressive, parasitic and pathogenic agents within the blood.

Dr. Enderlein contended there are thousands of forms and many of these are able to overcome the body's defence mechanisms, causing multiple disease situations.

Caused by an inverted way of eating and living, causes a proliferation of the "fungus among us" which debilitates the body and, if not corrected, will ultimately cause our demise.
Medicine has considered blood to be a sterile environment but blood is not a sterile environment, nor is it a static environment. That environment can change (most notably through diet) and micro-organisms in the blood can evolve and change too. The fact is, we can see this type of evolution and change going on throughout all of nature.
If you leave a bowl of milk out on the kitchen table for a few days without refrigeration, it will turn sour fairly quickly. Did it turn sour because there was an outside germ that got into the milk? No it did not. It turned sour because tiny microbes already in the milk changed their form to adapt to a changed environment or bio terrain.

The human body strives to maintain the pH of the blood at around 7.3. Above or below this level, the colloids of life in your blood merge into forms that may not necessarily be to your advantage. They can become pathogenic microbes. The body is incredible – if worked with correctly, instead of against it, it is capable of tremendous self-healing.
Body pH, an electrical connection.

As the pH of the blood goes more acid, fatty acids which are normally electro-magnetically charged on the negative side switch to positive and automatically are attracted to and begin to stick to the walls of arteries which are electro-magnetically charged on the negative side. (And as science states, opposites attract.) It should start to make sense that a society which over-emphasizes food that could push blood to be more acid will have a high rate of heart disease. pH control impacts every biochemical process in the body including enzymes which are part of that biochemical process. There are hundreds of enzyme processes, which take place in the body. Many are so specific that they are like complex square pegs that need to "fit" into specific square holes in order to carry out their duty. If blood pH is off balance even a little, some important pegs are not "fitting" their respective slots. Enzyme function and thus life itself begins to suffer.

MINERAL ASSIMILATION is affected by pH. Minerals have different pH levels at which they can be assimilated into the body. Minerals on the lower end of the atomic scale can be assimilated in a wider pH range, and minerals higher up on the scale require a narrower and narrower pH range in order to be assimilated by the body. For example….
Sodium and magnesium have wide pH assimilation ranges. It narrows somewhat for calcium and potassium. Iodine you may know is one of the most important minerals for proper functioning of the THYROID. But, the thyroid doesn't get access to iodine unless the body pH is near perfect.

With a society in a largely pH unbalanced state, one would suspect a lot of thyroid problems. Malfunctioning thyroids have been connected to arthritis, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, depression, overweight, fatigue and more. Due primarily to agricultural soil depletion and over-acidic food consumption, mineral deficiency is a large problem facing most people today.

Body mineral content and balances, control the quantity of electricity in our bodies.
The speed at which the electricity flows, is controlled by the body's pH balance.

pH Balance and the Mineral Connection
There are complex biochemical processes taking place in the body constantly in an attempt to keep blood pH as near perfect as possible, known as the pH buffering systems. These buffering systems need a good balance of minerals to work effectively. If we are getting inadequate mineral intake from the food we eat, we are going to start having problems with our pH balancing systems.

And if our pH is unbalanced, what is the result? Pick your disease, choose your unbalance. Cancer, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, chronic fatigue, allergies, obesity, just name it. If you don't feel good, one of the basic things that stands between you and perfect health is your body's pH.
Did you know that..... Minerals are as important as, if not more important than, vitamins.
Minerals are co-enzymes. In the absence of minerals, vitamins can't do their job. Many minerals are referred to as trace minerals, which might make it seem as though they are of little importance. Minerals and their deficiencies have been implicated in a wide range of off-balance health conditions.

Here are some examples:
Supplementing a diet with sufficient chromium and vanadium can help prevent diabetes and has been seen to reverse diabetes in those already diabetic, as vanadium is reportedly able to replace insulin in some cases.
Copper deficiency is implicated in aneurysms (brain, aortic, etc.) Too much copper is an irritant to the brain.
Magnesium is quite possibly the most important mineral for the reduction of coronary heart disease. (The latest "cutting edge" research shows that heart disease is really a function of heart muscle acidosis.)
Boron helps keep calcium in the bones, helps women preserve and make estrogen, and helps men keep testosterone. Boron affects alertness. Boron can help eliminate arthritis.
Potassium and magnesium (along with organic sodium) are some of the most important minerals for rebalancing the electrical properties of the cell, for eliminating excess acidity, and for helping to balance calcium. People get irrational when potassium levels are low.

Magnesium helps conduct electrical messages between all the neurons of the body.
Zinc is involved in over 200 brain enzyme interactions. Drinking zinc mixed with distilled water can stop anorexia nervosa in a day. Zinc deficiency symptoms include loss of taste and smell. Zinc deficiency in children results in moodiness, depression, irritability, photo phobia (light sensitivity), antagonism, temper tantrums & learning problems.
Likewise, ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder can often be eliminated by balancing nutritional trace minerals. There is no need to drug our children.

Cigarette smoke is rich in cadmium (the blue colour in the smoke). Cadmium is the most neurotoxic substance known to human beings. A low zinc/high cadmium ratio is implicated in learning disabilities. Zinc is needed to balance cadmium.

Your Disease is in Perfect Harmony with Your Body
You should begin to understand this statement. When your body's mineral balances are off, your health is off. When your body's pH and basic metabolic processes are off, it sets up the internal environment that becomes a new playground for the opportunistic "bugs" - bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.
Change your blood, and you'll change your consciousness.
Change your consciousness, and you'll change your blood.
The Biochemical Processes Behind pH Levels in Your Body
Biochemical processes lay the groundwork for the rotting processes in your body. This is the process of pH change and alteration down at the blood and tissue level. Look at the process of food metabolism and how your body handles metabolic by-products from food intake.

One of the by-products of food metabolism is CO2, carbon dioxide. As you know, lung respiration is one way in which your body eliminates carbon dioxide - it happens every time you exhale. However, in order to eliminate all of the carbon dioxide that is generated from normal metabolism, the lungs would need a respiration rate far above normal breathing. Holding this constantly accelerated rate would indeed be very difficult. Therefore, other mechanisms come into play for handling the excess.
• The CO2 combines with ammonia (produced from the oxidation of glutamine) and converts to urea in the liver and is excreted by the kidneys.
• The carbon dioxide combines with water through a process utilizing the enzyme carbonic anhydrase and the co-enzyme mineral ZINC. Through this process, carbonic acid is formed, which breaks down into hydrogen and bicarbonate atoms/molecules.

Notice, we just mentioned hydrogen. What does pH stand for? Potential Hydrogen. When we talk about hydrogen, we are talking about potential ACIDS. When we talk of bicarbs, we are talking bases (alkaline substances). ACIDS are a normal by-product of metabolism. The body has the mechanisms in place to eliminate these acids. BUT, through poor dietary habits, shallow breathing, lack of exercise, toxicity exposures, etc., which can lead to liver stress and kidney malfunction. The ACIDS in the body do not always get eliminated as they should. What's a body to do? If it can't eliminate them, then it has to store them. When the body has an excess of acid it can't get rid of, the acid gets stored for later removal. Where? In the interstitial spaces, also called the extra cellular matrix - the spaces around the cells; the mesenchyme.

When the body stores a hydrogen molecule/atom/proton (the acid) in the extra cellular matrix, it believes that one day the acid is going to be removed. Therefore, in order to be in balance, it knows that for every molecule of acid that gets stored in the tissues, an equal molecule of bicarb or base needs to be put into the blood because one day it will be needed to escort the acid out of the body.

This is the body's amazing compensatory mechanism at work. What we see here is the pH interplay between the blood and the tissues. If the body has an acid overload, it stores the acid in the tissues (the tissue pH decreases) and the blood compensates and becomes alkaline, the (the blood pH increases). Is this important? We are starting to scratch the surface for the rotting mechanism in our body. What happens when the acids don't get an opportunity to leave and more acid accumulates.

The Acidic/Mineral Bugaboo
As more acid accumulates in our body, it gets stored and pushed further, and ultimately it gets pushed into the cell. When it gets pushed into the cell, the first thing it does is displace POTASSIUM and then MAGNESIUM and then SODIUM. Those are three critical minerals in our body. The potassium and magnesium will leave the body, but as a preservation mechanism the sodium will be retained. Remember, the body knows it must place an alkaline molecule in the blood to escort out this increasing acid that is being stored in the tissues and cells. What it will often do is draw.

These four minerals are the controlling minerals for our body's sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) controls our fight or flight response mechanism. The parasympathetic system (PSNS) controls our rest and digest response mechanism. It works like this:
CALCIUM Stimulatory mineral for the Sympathetic Nervous System
MAGNESIUM Inhibitory mineral for the Sympathetic Nervous System
POTASSIUM Stimulatory mineral for the Parasympathetic Nervous System
SODIUM Inhibitory mineral for the Parasympathetic Nervous System
When you run an acidic condition in the body, excessive free calcium stimulates the SNS. Magnesium isn't around to offer a balance. Potassium is depleted, so the PSNS is not getting stimulated to offset the SNS and it is actually being further inhibited by sodium, which the body is hanging onto because of the loss of potassium and magnesium. What does this give you? A person that is acidic, possibly prone to ranting and raving, hyperactive, quick to anger, and burning out.

As acids accumulate in our body, they get stored and pushed into the tissues. The area they get pushed to, on a local level, is going to be in large measure where in your body or with what organ you experience problems.

Acid/Base - Tissue/Blood - Biochemistry

When the body stores a molecule of excess acid, it will compensate by placing an extra alkaline atom/molecule in the blood. Therefore blood become increasingly alkaline.

Now something interesting happens with the uptake of oxygen when the blood is overly alkaline. With rising alkalinity, blood can increase its oxygen uptake; therefore the blood cells can hold more oxygen. Pretty good, don't you think? Well, if you think so, you're wrong. The reason is, that with rising blood alkalinity, the red blood cells can saturate themselves with ever more oxygen. The problem is, they can't let go of it! If the blood cells can't let go of oxygen, then the oxygen isn't getting down to the other cells of the body. And do you recall what Otto Warburg discovered about cancer? It grows in an oxygen deficient environment. Now let's go further.
We have alkaline blood due to the fact we have increasingly acidic tissue and/or cells occurring somewhere in our body. We have an alkaline blood which can't let go of its oxygen to aerate an increasingly acidic environment.
Now have an acidic environment with no oxygen.

How can anything survive in this environment?
Through anaerobic fermentation, what ferments anaerobically, east, mold and fungus.
Since cancer thrives in an anaerobic environment, what is cancer? If you answered fermenting mold and fungus, you get a gold star. Why is this important? Because it is part of the story behind aging, disease, and the rotting process which confirms what pleomorphic scientists have known all along about MICROBES, i.e. ALL microbes will change dependent upon their environment. When you age, get cancer, and/or experience other diseases, part of the process is that YOU ARE ROTTING ON THE INSIDE. And the rot, as it biologically culminates in the human body, begins with the microbe that at its beginning stages we have identified as the protit.

Evolution of Microbes

As a microbe evolves, if you change its terrain or cultured environment, you'll see it going through various bacterial stages; i.e. round forms, rod shaped forms, even going into viral forms. Ultimately though, ALL microbes will see a FUNGAL CULMINATION. This fungal culmination can also be replaced by a YEAST CULMINATION.

Which brings us to the blood. Microbes exist in the blood. If the blood terrain, pH, changes, the microbes will change their shape: bacterial - viral - yeast - fungus. Give it the proper terrain (or more to the point, the improper terrain) and we get ROT. Part of the biological aging and disease process.